
Seafile is a program which enables us to host our own cloud system very much like Dropbox, iCloud or Onedrive. The mainthought behind it, is to synchronize all home directories between Harriet, Beagle and all clients like the Dell Optiplex and the Intel NUCs. This will enable every user to log into any client computer and syncs their homes to it.

On the Client site there are 2 major branches. First of all there is Harriet, who synces the home directories through the seaf-cli client which runs individually for every user on Harriet. On the normal clients every user can simply use the gui client or he can setup the cli client if desired.

The domain of the seafile server is It’s now available even outside of the HU-network, you don’t need to use the VPN anymore.

Setting up a client on Linux

Debian GUI

It’s recommended to use our custom installer for the Seafile-Client (GUI or CLI). Please read the underneath instructions very carefully!

#### With installer

  1. Download the installer from above.

  2. Run it in the terminal (open it with the search function) with sudo bash ~/Downloads/ You need [sudo-privileges for this].

  3. Choose graphical client and follow the instructions.

  4. When the installer is finished and you logged back in, search for seafile and start it.

  5. In the first field enter the path: /home/seafile/your_username

  6. In the next field, enter our server-url:, your Seafile user-email and password (both provided by the workgroup-admin).

  7. When Seafile starts up right click in Seafile your home_your_username and choose sync this library then click sync with an existing folder and enter the path to your home (/home/marius).

  8. Add Seafile to the autostart see [here].

Sync a shared directory

You can not sync a shared folder into your home directory. Thats why the installer created the directory /home/sharing/your_username. You can sync your shared directories into that directory.

Without installer

To install the seafile-client you need [sudo-privileges].

First you need to update your operating system:

sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude upgrade

After that add the key of the Seafile-repo:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 8756C4F765C9AC3CB6B85D62379CE192D401AB61

Then add the repo itself with:

# For Debian 7
echo deb wheezy main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/seafile.list

# For Debian 8
echo deb jessie main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/seafile.list

# For Debian 9
echo deb stretch main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/seafile.list

Replace jessie with the Debian release you’re using (lsb_release -a | grep Codename). Then run an update of the package-list.

sudo aptitude udate

And finally install the Client:

sudo aptitude install seafile-gui

Then export the needed environment variable with:

sudo echo -e "CCNET_CONF_DIR\t DEFAULT=/etc/seafile/$USER" >> /home/$USER/.xsessionrc

Create needed directories for the config and own them:

sudo mkdir /home/seafile /home/seafile/$USER /etc/seafile /etc/seafile/$USER
sudo chown $USER:$USER /home/seafile/$USER /etc/seafile/$USER

Log out of your x-server and back in with:

sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart
sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart

Now follow the manual with the installer [above from step 4].

For the official manual see: [Seafile-manual on Github].

Debian CLI

With installer

  1. Download the installer from here`

  2. Run it with sudo bash ~/Downloads/ You need [sudo-privileges] for this.

  3. Choose cli client.

  4. Enter your local short Debian username.

  5. Enter your Seafile login email.

  6. Enter your Seafile login password.

  7. Enter the local directory you want to sync (/home/marius for example).

  8. Enter the Seafile library ID. You get this ID if you log into Seafile via a browser, click onto the library and copy the ID out of the URL.

  9. Add a cronjob to crontab -e to run the client after a reboot: @reboot bash /usr/local/bin/seafile_startup/start_$

Without installer

You need the Library IDs of every Library you want to sync. You get it by opening Seafile in a browser, open the library and copy it from the URL-bar.

To install the Seafile-cli-client you need [sudo-privileges].

First you need to update your operating system:

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude upgrade

Install dirmngr which enables you to add the Seafile rep.

sudo aptitude install dirmngr

After that add the key of the Seafile-repo:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 8756C4F765C9AC3CB6B85D62379CE192D401AB61

Then add the repo itself with:

echo deb jessie main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/seafile.list

Replace jessie with the Debian release you're using (lsb_release -a | grep Codename). Then run an update of the package-list.

sudo aptitude update

Download libssl1.0, which is required by the client, and install it:

    sudo dpkg -i libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u6_amd64.deb

To install the CLI-client type:

sudo aptitude install seafile-cli

After installing the client you need to create several directories outside of your home directory to have a place where Seafile can store the configuration files.

sudo mkdir -p /home/seafile /home/seafile/$USER /etc/seafile/$USER /usr/local/bin/seafile_startup

Then you need to change the permissions:

sudo chown $USER:$USER /home/seafile/$USER /etc/seafile/$USER

Now download the ignore-list to the local directory you want to sync:

wget -P /home/$USER

Initialise the seafile-client with:

seaf-cli init -c /etc/seafile/$USER/conf_dir -d /home/seafile/$USER
seaf-cli start -c /etc/seafile/$USER/conf_dir
seaf-cli sync -l "$seafile_library_id" -s -d "$local_directory_to_sync" -c /etc/seafile/$USER/conf_dir -u "$seafile_login_email" -p "$login_password"

Save a startup script and setup a cronjob

sudo echo -e "seaf-cli start -c /etc/seafile/$USER/conf_dir" > /home/$USER/start_$
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/seafile_startup/
sudo chown $USER:$USER /usr/local/bin/seafile_startup/start_$

Run crontab -e and enter:

@reboot bash /usr/local/bin/seafile_startup/start_$

To check the status of the client run:

seaf-cli status -c /etc/seafile/$USER/conf_dir

Setting up a client on Windows

  1. Open the site in a Browser.

  2. Download the Seafile Client.

  3. Open it and install it.

  4. On the first start Seafile will ask you for server and user-credentials. The Server URL you have to enter is: The user-credentials will send to you by the local administrator.

  5. When Seafile has started sucessfully, right click the folder in Seafile you want to sync and choose the local destination.

See here how to synchronize a [shared directory] to your local computer.

Setting up the Server (Svalbard)

The Server on which all Seafile data is stored is Svalbard. On Svalbard a user named seafile drives the Seafile-server software.

Setting up the server can be devided into two steps:

  • Installing and setting up a MySQL database

  • Downloading and instlling the server-software

Steps here will only describe the procedure briefly since it will likely be completely different when the sever needs a new setup.

Acquiring HTTPS for the domain

Download the cert from the HU Parasitology website with openssl (something like: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect </dev/null). You should see 4 blobs under each other. You need to delete the first blob and paste the cert which you got from the HU pki service

Setting up init.d to control the server

Copy the file from here.

Create a new file under /etc/init.d/seafile with vim or nano and paste the content of the downloaded file into it and save.

Now you can control the server with commands like:

/etc/init.d/seafile stop

Note that only the user seafile can actually control the server. If you don't get any response from the init.d command it wasn't successful.


Setting up the home-sync (Harriet)

Do lots of stuff

Official Seafile Links:

Setting up Seafile-WebDAV to sync attachements with Zotero

Does not work with nginx or apache. Reasons are unknown, you are getting an authentication error when you try to login in via the Zotero browser extension (every other client is working well).

Updating the server-software

Login as the user seafile with sudo su seafile and stop the running server with /etc/init.d/seafile stop. Download the seafile-server-software from their site: for example with:


then untar it: tar -xzf seafile-server__newVersion_x86-64.tar.gz .

As root (simply exit): copy the extracted directory to /usr/local/bin/seafile-server and own it with sudo chown -R seafile:seafile seafile-server_newVersion. Then run the minor-upgrade script: bash /usr/local/bin/seafile-server/seafile-server-newVersion/upgrade/

Change back to user seafile and start the server again with: /etc/init.d/seafile start as the user seafile.

[sudo-privileges for this]:
[shared directory]:
[custom Installer]:
[above from step 4]:
[Seafile-manual on Github]:

Last updated